This documentation describes the employee management usage of the public Atlatos REST API.
The interface is designed to allow companies as well as travel agencies to create, update and delete employees.
This document contains technical and general information on the functionality of the Atlatos REST API and is intended for technical personal with knowledge about JSON (or XML) and REST.
For the technical implementation comply with the given OpenAPI documentation.
You can find the complete technical documentation here:
System Access
User Credentials
The credentials are provided by Atlatos and consist of api-key & secret pair that need to be send in the HTTP-Header of the Request.
x-api-key | API-Key |
x-api-secret | API-Key Secret |
To contact the REST API use the following URL:
The OpenAPI Specification can be found here:
Creating and Updating an employee
To create an new employee a POST operation to /employee endpoint must be made.
To update an existing employee a PUT operation to /employee endpoint must be made.
Specifics when creating or updating a user:
- username must be unique to the company
- branch / department naming must match with Atlatos
- if a department is not found inside of a branch it will be created
- if a branch is not found in Atlatos it will search for the unique department
"username": "API-User",
"title": "Mr",
"firstname": "Atlatos",
"lastname": "GmbH",
"email": "",
"branch": "Atlatos GmbH",
"department": "Default"
Creating access rights
For every user it is possible to add access rights.
The access rights must be appended to the employee request.
"username": "API-User",
"title": "Mr",
"firstname": "Atlatos",
"lastname": "GmbH",
"email": "",
"branch": "Atlatos GmbH",
"department": "Default",
"access_rights": [
"username": "Super-User",
"access_type": "BOOK"
"username": "Super-User",
"access_type": "EXPENSE",
"level": 1,
"mail": false
username | unique username of the superior |
branch | if the username is not unique the branch can be specified |
access_type |
level | level of approval. (only for travel request and expense) |
specify if a mail should be send. (only for travel request and expense) default: false |
Deleting an employee
To delete an employee a DELETE operation to /employee endpoint must be made
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