Dynamic remarks
To store dynamic remarks, a parameter listed in Table 1 must be entered in the "FreeText" field in the remark lines in the company profile. The selected parameter will then be replaced by the corresponding data at runtime during posting.
A commonly used remark line is VERK+:KKS: followed by the cost center. This can be stored by entering VERK+:KKS:<%COST CENTER%>.
Parameter |
Replaced by |
personnel number |
accounting unit |
internal account |
project number |
order number |
action number |
cost center |
<%KDNR%> |
customer number |
<%KDNR2%> |
customer number 2 |
<%AGKDNR%> |
agency customer number |
email address of the booker |
email address of the traveler |
surname of the booker |
surname of the traveler |
booking date (format: dd.MM.yyyy) |
date of arrival, i.e. date of the first day of the trip (format: dd.MM.yyyy) |
booking code of the booking |
total price in Euro |
<%BD(Datumsformat)%> |
date of booking in specified format |
<%RD(Datumsformat)%> |
date of arrival in specified format |
best price of the flight query |
most expensive price of the flight query |
travel destination |
department |
phone number of the traveler |
phone number of the booker |
mobile number of the traveler |
mobile number of the booker |
Tabelle 1: Parameter
The entry in Atlatos for the line RM*VERK+B-NAME:TEST would follow the following principle:
The parameters for additional data (personnel no., cost center, etc.) are replaced during booking by the data entered in the corresponding fields on the booking page. These fields are partially pre-filled with the data from the user profile and are not always changed by the person making the booking. Therefore, it can usually be assumed that the patterns are replaced by the data from the user profile.
The <%KDNR%> parameter is replaced by the travel agency customer number of the company. Similarly, <%KDNR2%> is replaced by the 2nd travel agency customer number of the company. For the parameter <%AGKNDR%> we use the travel agency customer number of the travel agency.
The e-mail address of the booker can be added to a remark using the <%EMAILBOOKENDER%> parameter. Likewise, the last name of the booker can be added using the <%NAMEBOOKENDER%> parameter.
With the two parameters <%EMAILREISENDER%> and <%NAMEREISENDER%> it is possible to add the email address and the last name of the traveler(s) respectively. For bookings with multiple travelers, remark lines with these patterns will be added to the PNR once per traveler. For example, for a booking with three travelers, a remark line with the pattern <%NAME TRAVELER%> will be added to the PNR three times. For the first line the parameter is replaced by the name of the first traveler, for the second line by the name of the second traveler and for the third line by the name of the third traveler.
The two parameters <%BOOKING DATE%> and <% TRAVEL DATE%> are used to add the date of the booking or the arrival date to a Remark. The date is formatted in the format dd.MM.yyyy, e.g. "10.03.2016".
To format the date in a different format, use <%BD(date format)%> for the booking date and <%RD(date format)%> for the arrival date. Date format must be replaced by a suitable format string. All format strings that are accepted by the SimpleDateFormat¹ jave class as a date and time pattern are allowed. Commonly used symbols for the date format are:
dd |
day of the month (01-31) |
MM |
months as (01-12) |
month as shortened text (Jan,Feb,Mar,...) |
months as text (January, Feburary, March,...) |
yy |
year douple digits |
yyyy |
year four digits |
1 Siehe: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
Assuming the posting is made on 02/10/2016, the substitutions listed in Table 2 will be made.
Parameter |
Replaced by |
<%BD(ddMMM)%> |
10Feb |
<%BD(dd/MM/yy)%> |
10/03/16 |
<%BD(yyyyMMdd)%> |
20160310 |
<%BD(MMM/yy-dd)%> |
FEB/16-10 |
Tabelle 2: Datumsformate
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