For an efficient handling of train bookings at the travel agency, the Atlatos Profi Traveller offers an interface to the Midoffice system MIDOCO. All online bookings of Deutsche Bahn AG train tickets are generated in the Atlatos Profi Traveller via the so-called BIBE interface. There is no direct connection to the travel agency. For a high-quality care of the corporate customers by the travel agency, a transparency to all travel services of the business trip is particularly important. Therefore, the Atlatos Profi Traveller provides an interface to the Midoffice system MIDOCO. All train bookings will be generated in the Atlatos Profi Traveller delayed by a few hours and transmitted to MIDOCO.
Your benefits:
- Submitting train bookings incl. BahnCard orders to MIDOCO (as orders)
- Automatic creation of the delivery note via MIDOCO possible
- Transmisson of additional data in case of central payment to MIDOCO
- Individual setting per corporate customer for sending the invoice
- Automatic invoicing of service fees via MIDOCO possible
Via the MIDOCO interface, no sales invoice data or the tax portion can be transmitted. Invoicing for the actual train booking is done by Deutsche Bahn itself. The credit card can only be transferred in case it is already pre-stored in the Atlatos Profi Traveller. Credit cards that were only used in the booking process of the Deutsche Bahn for single use can not be transmitted.
Please note that a technical user of MIDOCO is required to set up the interface. Additional cost may apply here.
Book the interface to MIDOCO for the transfer of a surcharge of 0,20€/train booking at the previous transaction fees for train bookings.
Have we piqued your interest? If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +49 6431-212498-0 or send us an e-mail to
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